Tomorrow's Power Today
SunSmart is a unique and exciting opportunity for St. George residents. The City's electric utilities have built a large solar photovoltaic (PV) facility, allowing residents to purchase solar power to supplement the energy supplied by more conventional means. The program itself is simple, with no set-up, no maintenance and no hassle to the purchaser.
The electric utilities serving the City of St. George have decided to launch this innovative program now to -
Alternative Energy Programs
You can feel better about yourself and the environment by joining the City of St. George's Clean Green Power Program. This program allows both residential and commercial consumers to receive some of their power from renewable energy sources. Utilizing this program will allow you to help effect a change in the environment by lowering your greenhouse gas emissions and conserving fossil fuels.
Net Metering
Reduce Your Use by harnessing the wind or the sun
Have you ever driven past a home with solar panels on its roof, or been inside an office building that used electricity from the sun? Many people don't know that there are some great benefits to outfitting their home or office building with systems that utilize renewable energy sources.
Energy Efficiency
Implementing energy conservation is simple and saves money. Below are some easy ways to conserve energy and lower your power bill.